Kim Hekimian, PHD

Kim Hekimian, PHDKim Hekimian, PhD is Associate Professor of Nutrition in Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition) and the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University. She is also the Associate Director of Education for the VP&S Program in Education in Global and Population Health. Previously, she taught at the American University of Armenia’s School of Public Health and served as the Associate Director of the MPH Program and Director of the Center for Health Services Research.

Dr. Hekimian received her PhD in Health Policy from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health with a concentration in Behavioral Science and Health Education. Her research has focused on determinants of infant and young child feeding practices. One area of ongoing interest is how to use health promotion planning models to improve rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration. Dr. Hekimian teaches courses in public health nutrition and research methods (including qualitative methods and survey research) at VP&S and the IHN where she is also Associate Director of the Medical Nutrition Program for Health Professionals.

She is currently involved in ongoing surveillance of infant feeding practices in Armenia. Her recent publications have explored the determinants of stunted growth and anemia among children 0-5 in rural Armenia and is conducting a dietary assessment of women of reproductive age with particular interest in iron and folate.

Kim Hekimian serves on the boards of the Armenian American Health Professionals Organization (AAHPO), the Armenian Medical Fund (AMF), the Columbia University Armenian Center, and is active in the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).