Why the U.S. Measles Cases are so Concerning

AAHPO Board Member Tsoline Kojaoghlanian, MD, a pediatrician specialized in Infectious Diseases at Maimonides Medical Center, provided guidance this week in a WCBS | CBS New York news report about the current measles outbreaks. She emphasized the seriousness and dangers of this infection, & how to prevent it. Read the full article and click the image to watch the video:

Dr Kojaoghlanian says “The majority of children with measles will recover after a prolonged debilitating illness. However, 1 out of 500 infected children will develop brain infection, which can be either fatal or leave the child with severe intellectual disabilities; and 1 out of 15 infected children will develop a pneumonia that will need intensive care and a breathing tube to treat. That’s why we want to prevent this infection with vaccines, which have been around for 40 years, and are very safe and effective. As you can imagine, the higher the number of measles cases gets, the higher the number of children with the complications of and fatalities from measles.”

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