Hematologist Trains in U.S., Hoping to Benefit Armenians

Navigating the intricacies of allogeneic transplants is a specialty of Dr. Nelli Bejanyan (shown at left in photo at left) The program leader of Blood and Marrow Transplant and the head of the Leukemia/Myeloid Section of the Department of Blood and Marrow Transplant and Cellular Immunotherapy at Moffitt Cancer Center is renowned for her expertise in transplanting healthy donor (allogeneic) stem cells into patients with blood cancers such as acute leukemia.

It’s a skill and an expertise that isn’t available everywhere around the globe. But with the specialized BMT training program at Moffitt, Dr. Bejanyan hopes to change that. She wants to start with her home country of Armenia.

This year, Dr. Bejanyan invited hematologist Dr. Nerses Ghahramanyan (both shown in photo, top left) from Yeolyan Hematology Center in Yerevan, Armenia, to learn as much as he can about allogenic transplantation at Moffitt. The goal is to take that knowledge and experience back to Armenia, where adult patients have no access to curative allogeneic bone marrow transplants.


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