Kudos To AAHPO Board Members

Kudos to AAHPO Board Member Kim Hekimian, PhD, and AAHPO colleague Sharon Chekijian, MD, for their participation in the 6IMCA Medical Conference session on Emergency Medicine and Disaster Preparedness and the Outlook of Health Care in Armenia.

Kudos to AAHPO Board member John Bilezikian, MD, for his participation as a Plenary Speaker at 6IMCA. Doctors participating in the 6th International Medical Congress of Armenia not only bear professional responsibility to Artsakh and Armenia, but also bear political responsibility.

In the framework of the 6th IMCA, through the US ambassador to Armenia, the American Armenian doctors urged the US government to put pressure on Azerbaijan.

The members of the delegation of doctors told NEWS.am, the information partner of the Congress, about the meeting held at the US Embassy.

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